Monday, February 22, 2016

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Dr. Dylan Ferniany, a fellow TED-Ed Innovative Educator who blogs at The Fern Files, challenged me to answer these questions.  The challenge originated with Anthony Purcell at Random Teacher Thoughts.

What has been your ONE biggest struggle during this school year?
The biggest struggle this year is also the biggest opportunity, identifying gifted and talented students in our Title 1 School. 
Share TWO accomplishments that you are proud of from this school year.
1) "This is really fun.  We are using our creativity and working as a team," said a fifth-grade student in the Destination Imagination group I manage after school.

2) "And that is the reason you are here," said a colleague after an emotional conversation about the discrepancy between cognitive ability and academic performance results.
What are THREE things that you wish to accomplish before the end of the school year?
1) Through the end of April, I plan to enrich third, fourth and fifth grade students through a talent pool experience, which is also my TED-Ed Innovative Educator Project.
2) In May, I hope to identify more gifted and talented students at the conclusion of the talent pool enrichment experiences.

3) This summer, I hope to restart work on my doctorate.
Give FOUR reasons why you remain in education in today’s rough culture.
1) Brenda Erickson, the developer of Souns and the founder of Counterpane Montessori School, retaught me everything I thought I knew about literacy.  As a result, I aim to build pedagogical bridges.

2)  Twitter and EdCamps amplified my professional learning.

3) TED-Ed and the inspiring TED-Ed Innovative Educator Cohort transformed my perspective into one of a global educator.

4) Students are waiting.... Students need a more dynamic, creative, engaging, multi-sensory, global learning learning experience than the climb of a standard staircase.
Which FIVE people do you hope will take the challenge of answering these questions?

1) Brenda Erickson, the Montessorian who retaught me how to approach literacy

2) Mindi Frates, a former colleague whose anecdotes I enjoy reading on Facebook

3) Becky Scranton, a childhood friend and literacy teacher in Illinois

4) Steven Sutantro, a teacher in Indonesia who amazes me with every new interaction

5) I'm going to flex the rules and ask any TED-Ed Innovative Educator or other educator to answer these questions.  I want to hear from you!

As my learning shifts, so do my blogs.  If you would like to learn more about the gifted and talented talent pool project, please visit Gifted and Talented Pathways

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